Dust off your bicycles and join us at the Co-op on Saturday, April 18, for BikeFest.
We begin with a fundraising pancake breakfast sponsored by the Latah Trail at 9 a.m. at the Co-op patio.
Next, from 10 a.m. until noon, join the Bicycle Booty Hunt, a bicycle treasure hunt with lots of free prizes. Pick up your treasure map at the Co-op and gather your treasure at local businesses, then return to the Co-op for your final bit of booty, some free lunch!
The Bicycle Swap and Sell also begins at 10 a.m., and continues until 2 p.m. in the alley beside the Co-op parking lot. Get rid of your old bike (both kids’ and adults’ bikes), and find a new one! You'll also find bike trailers, bike parts, and other gear. Or you can donate your old bike to the Village Bicycle Project.
During the Bike Swap and Sell, Paradise Creek Bicycles and Follett Mountain Sports will provide free bicycle tune-ups.
At noon, join us for a ribbon-cutting for the Co-op’s new bike racks on the east side of the parking lot (along Washington Street). We'll share free cake. We’ll enjoy live music by the Moscow Volunteer Peace Band, and will share the fun with the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) and their bicycle-powered blender, and Gritman Hospital and the University of Idaho E-club, which will distribute info about some other earth-inspired and bicycle-related events coming up. (Did you know May is officially “Bike to Work” month?)
By Carol Spurling, Co-op Membership and Outreach Coordinator, and the Bicycle Brothers (Isaak Julye and Emmett Breedlovestrout)